Friday, December 05, 2008

The Lesson in Being Rear-Ended Again

It is just a car--a thing.

Certainly, yes?

Let me start from the beginning. I pulled into the parking lot at work totally blissed out. I had practiced yoga, breath work and meditation and had my morning hour-long walk--nothing could penetrate my zen.

Isn't that when it happens? Just when you think you cannot be moved...

I was sitting at my desk when I watched it happen--the freakishly large delivery truck, 4 tires short of being a semi, backed into my little-bitty car. There was not a damn thing I could do and there was a millisecond when I determined exactly how I would respond--anger or calm. This was my choice.

I had my 'FuCk!' moment but as I walked out to the parking lot to face the driver and assess the damage, I had my reckoning in the hall where I called on that part of me that had surfaced during my time on the mat, the part of me larger than a dented bumper, the part of me more compassionate than a blind rage, the part of me who saw past things to people, the part of me in control of how I respond to the moments of my life.

And just like that...I entered my life as an active participant, as the participant.

Now there was no skipping or tossing of flower petals but there was peace in me that translated into peace between us as we exchanged information and proceeded through the steps of reporting the incident.

The report was made, I called the insurance company to request an estimate and arranged for a body shop referral. Very little time lost, insignificant really, for what I learned.

I learned that I can control my reactions to this world and the moments I move through, I learned that I choose and I like how it left me feeling.