Sunday, August 03, 2008

The morning cup: Procrastination

My morning news show is on in the other room--I'm slightly pulled in but so comfortable in my chair at my kitchen desk, with my cup of coffee that I cannot be moved--more that I will not be moved.

So I write.

Incredibly good sleep last night...possibly because I was so peaceful and fulfilled at the close of my day.

I had time for writing and reading and listening to great music--I was in a yummy state when I turned in to sleep.

This morning I want to explore procrastination by looking at my own life and the ways in which I procrastinate.

It's not that I think procrastination is entirely bad or something to avoid altogether--sometimes procrastination saves us from something but then does it become hesitation...or to distinguish? Perhaps by the intention behind the action or inaction--they look different, right? Moot and beside the point.

Ah, but I digress (or procrastinate).

Areas in which I am actively procrastinating:

  • Developing pictures
    • I'm two years behind
    • I have no good excuse because I have a prepaid plan and could order anytime without having to fork out the money--money has been forked.
  • Writing a business plan
    • Though it is quite possible that the studio I had in mind is spoken for by people with more money than I, there are certainly other studios or even room for me to start fresh.
  • Cleaning my house
    • The animal hair is killing me but seems too big a problem to take on in a single afternoon (excuse).
    • The living room, den and my bedroom need to dusted...desperately.
    • Bathroom--gross. Don't even get me started. But technically, that's Jen's job so perhaps this should be noted on her own list.
  • Arranging termite treatment
    • Really? Like this is an area I need to play with? You'd think I'd have a bit more motivation.
So there it is--I've laid it all out. If I continue to procrastinate in these areas when I have so courageously admitted fault, accepted ownership, and, for Christ's sake, made a list--then I am recklessly negligent.

If I never post again on above items, you can rest assured that I took no active measures and have probably added to that list.

Ooh...the cliffhanger.