Monday, August 04, 2008

Butter, Trampoline, Toast

Now I've got you wondering, right?

To preface, the kids were begging for Frappuccinos today--so, much like any other day, the little junkies. And I have a system of maybes--a scale, if you will.

There is the right-down-the-middle maybe, the weak-close-to-no maybe and the strong-close-to-yes maybe.

I gave them a weak-close-to-no maybe that I would take them later in the afternoon--they were elated. But, I warned, the more you ask or remind, the closer you get to no, so leave me alone.

While we were having our lunch together this afternoon, little man put his hand up to his face to mouth something to his sister across the table without my seeing.

My daughter says, "Butter, Trampoline, Toast?" and he giggles and says, "close".

Then it hits me what has been said and I'm thinking, what?

So I say, "Butter, Trampoline, Toast? And she's close?"

And they laugh their cute little kid laughs and I'm drawn in--I laugh too.

Then he confesses, "Frappuccinos."

I couldn't knock them down the maybe scale because the whole span of moments had been too priceless to cost them.

Now that was a moment worth being present for.