Friday, February 15, 2008

yOga and the big "O"

I rushed home today, after a busy but fulfilling day, to do yoga. Like, balanced-all-the-groceries-in-my-arms-undressed-on-the-way-to-my-
room-to-change-into-yoga-clothes rushed. That's never really happened for the right reason, right reason being the centering and sense of bliss I gain from yoga lately. Before, I rushed to do yoga because of the exercise, the burn, the sweating--the bliss, if any at all, was secondary to the 'workout'. But following my euphoric practice a few nights ago, I crave the centering. What's changed? I have allowed yoga to be itself--nothing more, I have stopped expecting it to be my form of exercise and instead am allowing it to be what pulls me back from the edge, that which restores me. I move, I breathe, I center and somewhere in the midst of my practice, I step back and renew. I leave the mat changed.

I think I've finally found my big "O" in yOga. Bliss is to yoga what orgasm is to sex and I'm having multiple blisses right now. I've been waiting for this. I've been working for this.

Here's to the unfolding that shall certainly follow.