Friday, February 15, 2008

Water spot on my nipple

This is just a brief post about luck and chance happenings and it also struck me as sort of funny at this hour when I should be sleeping.

How is it that, on a night when I already can't get warm enough, I bend over to spit after brushing my teeth and my nipple touches the one small water pool on the counter through my shirt? Right square on my nipple, giving me not only a chill but a water spot on my shirt atop my nipple, now hard because of the chill.

Ahh...but wait, as a testimony to my ever sagging boobs, I see that, upon standing, the water spot sits sort of askew from my nipple.

It's like the water spot on my shirt is laughing at me, saying, this is where your nipple should be were they not so floppy.

Alrighty then. Point taken.