Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Couldn't sleep...and other matters of anxiety

Fretting over what to prepare for a picnic between a play at the downtown theater and an afternoon at the community art center, when there is minimal picnic-type food in the house.

Good payday coming this week--LONG overdue bonus. But it's not here yet.

Saw my dear friend today, the one from my other life--6 years ago. It's odd to have your life abbreviated into a 45 minute conversation--perspective. I'm sure there are more conversations to come where we relive what we've done, where we've been and what we've gone through. I regret that we didn't live it together but regret is counterproductive because we're here now.

Gave my daughter a half-ass goodnight hug/kiss session because I felt her attitude rising (long story and irrelevant). Wish now I would've called her back to me--if I've learned anything today, it's to NOT leave things undone. Perspective.

My pager sits beside me tonight like a grenade with the pin pulled--will it go off?

I'm tired of the cat climbing over my face to get to the one she loves best on the other side of the bed.

So unprepared for camping this weekend--can't do anything about it until payday.


Hmmm. Perspective?