Sunday, September 21, 2008

My first Kirtan

Kirtan is devotional music--this evening I had my first.

There were 6 of us and pockets of others around the world, for sure, in celebration of World Peace Day. We sat in a circle, the beautiful tattooed woman to my right began the chant and we gradually joined in--our voices grew, the music grew, the energy was intoxicating as we first called on Ganesh, remover of obstacles.

I have never sung out loud in a room full of people before and this evening, it didn't even matter, I was not singing for them, I was singing for me, I was connecting to Ganesh in the name of removing obstacles in my own life.

From there we chanted Om Namah Shivaya and only a few minutes ago did I learn the meaning (very loosely translated): Om and salutations to that which I am capable of becoming.

It is now so very clear why I felt lifted from earth during that time, why I was emotionally drawn and centered in peace.

We closed our kirtan with a chant for peace, Om shanti, shanti, shanti and I used mala beads for the first time in my life. Aside from my foot falling asleep, I was totally into it and moved by the experience.

It was just what I needed on a day like today.