Monday, August 11, 2008

A sweet lullaby...

Today my borrowed Zen baby spent the day with us and her energy level has really expanded since we saw her last, before her trip abroad.

She's testing her limits, exploring the edge of boundaries and beyond and asserting herself. With all of this in mind, understand that nap-time was welcomed today.

Following her lunch, I laid down with her on the bed and the tearful protest began immediately as she sat straight up, tossed the teddy I had offered her and screamed with all of the indignation of a two year old.

I gently laid her back beside me and began to sing--nothing was making it above the cry. So I thought...and considered. Maybe she didn't like the song, maybe the English words were frustrating now that she's so proficient with her Italian.

So I began to gently chant a sanskrit mantra and blessing:

lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu (x3)
om shanti, shanti, shanti

And while I gently chanted these blessed words, I placed my hands above us and entered into different mudras, keeping somewhat of a rhythm that she could get lost in...and she did.

When I closed with a final round of "om"--silence and then the sound of a deep inhale as the sleep breathing began throughout her body.

I was centered from the experience--it was blissful to have gently led her to sleep with syllables so full of meaning and vibrancy and history.

And now, she is awake again and the day is new to her--fresh, exciting and ripe with potential as she scampers into the midst of it all.