Thursday, August 14, 2008

Step Two: Tell the Children

Please read the "Starting Over" post to be updated on the happenings of late that have prompted these 'Steps'--it will explain everything.

Probably the most difficult of all steps involved--actually, that should read, definitely.

There is no easy way to tell a child that their entire world is about to change--the parents they have known most of their lives are going to set about parenting in separate places, living separate lives.

That sort of news just doesn't slide over--it's a punch in the chest, a very painful, noticeable shift in awareness and thinking.

Step Two: Tell the Children

  1. Done.

Now what?

Well, I remain open and available for them to come to me, talk to me, turn to me, lean on me.

More than that, I explain to them that this was the only possible choice for me to make--that I love this life I've been given and I must proceed in a way that honors that, that honors my lust for life, my craving and hunger for passion, my desire for more, my need for growth, as an individual and with my life partner.

More still? Guard their hearts, proceed with caution and let go as we all move forth into the unknown...and, breathe.