Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Good night, Sleep tight

So I'm sitting here in bed, on my laptop, watching TMZ (huge confession), recording yoga tidbits on my other blog (Twisted Yogini) and reflecting on my day.

The kids and I began reading our next book this evening, "Moorchild". When you open a book dedicated to all children who have ever felt different, you know you're in for an elevating experience. This is a fantasy-like story, a departure from our usual historical fiction but a welcomed one. I'm so thrilled.

And, oh yeah, I did play that game I promised--Monopoly. We do a 30 minute version and just count the one with the most money the winner at the end of our time. I also sat with the kiddos at the table for dinner, when I finally cooked dinner. I REALLY wanted to zone to TV in the living room while I ate but I resisted the urge and sat with them. I mean, really. Aren't I blessed to have children who get excited when we have dinner together--it means so much to them and fills my heart too.

It's been a good day, all in all.

I'm still exhausted so I think I'll surrender to the call of sleep and write more tomorrow.