Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The gnawing pain of reflection...

And why would it be so? Reflection should bring joy and happiness, fond thoughts, stories woven from the recalled fragments yet, this evening, when I piddled through photo albums, journals of my childrens' young lives and old birthday cards, I felt sad. It was a gnawing ache in what I suppose to be my heart--the emotion center of my being, not the physical organ.

I longed to do over, to hold longer, to kiss more and hug tighter, to listen better, to memorize with better accuracy...I longed to have been more in the moment.

I am a hostage of time, a victim of haste and my memories are the causalities of a haphazard existence.

I cannot sacrifice another day, another moment--I could be down to minutes yet I move through the hours of my life like a grocery list.