Monday, November 19, 2007

Smell and Taste Return: A Good Day Overall

I tasted most of what I ate today, still not 100% but any change from *no* smell and *no* taste is an improvement for me and one I celebrate.

I was on call yesterday and last night but NO call-outs. I enjoyed uninterrupted time with my family and myself, it was cool. We cleaned and put the last of the x-mas boxes away as we have FINALLY completed our decorations for the season--YAY!

We played a couple of family games and my partner and I drank our new yummy tea--Bigelow's Pumpkin Spice, it's so tasty. Think I'll make some right now...okay, the water's boiling.

Today, the kids and I accomplished some of their lessons--watched a cool documentary entitled: "Becoming Human" which can be found at and it's FREE. It was a great scholarly piece on human evolution and it is delivered in clips so that you can consume as much or as little as you like--additionally, each clip has exhibit links with more information tidbits pertaining to the material in the clip.

I practiced yoga for the first time in *FIVE* days and for the first time since we created a meditation alter for me in our bedroom--it was very cool to move this post-sickness body and to open my chest with breath. It was an exhilarating practice, made more so by the alter at the front of my yoga space--so chi!

Now I am taking the time to blog some thoughts/reflections and waiting on my tea to steep--does life get any better than this?