Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Feelings today...

I was driving to the grocery store and I was faced with all that I dislike about my town--I try to pull myself out of this rut. I try to think positively and look to the good. That's too fuckin' hard, especially when you're feeling somber as I was today .

I want more community, I want more support--intimacy between mothers in the area, like-minded mothers. I want my children to learn through their world and not as a subject to it or of it. I want to be more self-sufficient--have a garden, make my own bread, make my own clothes (okay, so that's not going to happen).

There is so much I am happy for. I love my children, they bring me real joy. I love my blog--it's where I pour my deepest thoughts and reflections. I love my partner but should show it more. I love our home, even if the town it's parked in leaves much to be desired. I love our pets.

I have a lot to look forward to as well and I try to let that bring me solace. I am going to be taking a yoga teacher certification soon (August) and that will be cool--just another way I can make money and avoid contributing to the system that I abhor. My own gig, my own terms and it will bring peace to those who seek it--that's good times.

Feeling tired and uninspired to write--going to bed now. Plan on rising early to go for a walk--sometimes that awakens something in me...something I need.