Wednesday, May 30, 2007

To my daughter...

Dearest little girl--

I love your passion, I love your love of all things great and small--don't ever stop saving bugs :-)

I love how you get lost in reading books that speak to you.

I love when you share what you read with me.

I love when you sleep-talk and I come to you to tuck you back in. You never know that we have that little time at night--I love the sweetness in your face when I kiss you good-night (again).

I love your smile--it's radiant. I love when you tell me you love--I can see that love in your eyes and it warms me.

I love your willingness to help me, to take care of me.

I love your thoughtfulness--you are so aware of others around you and always go to great lengths to do for other people. You are SO unselfish and giving.

I love when you share your feelings with me, talk with me, laugh with me. Your voice in this world is SO very important.

I love that you want to spend time with me.

I love how you bump into things, knock things over or trip over your own feet--it's just who you are and I smile thinking of this part of you.

I love our life, I love you and I love being with you--I want to savor the moments, even as they slip from us.

Thanks for the gift of being your mom.

Love, Mommy