Friday, May 02, 2008

The Family has Left the House

I have been alone since about 9:00 this morning and ya wanna know something? I'm okay. I'm actually really enjoying myself. It's freakin' fantastic!

I drank coffee, wrote, read email, responded to email, checked on my garden, ate lunch, watched TV, took a shower, took a power nap on the sofa, wrote some more, emailed some more...

I'd like to have higher aspirations for my time alone but in the wake of a pretty scary migraine episode yesterday, one that impaired my vision for about an hour, I'm taking it easy today.


I would like to practice yoga before the night gets away from me, maybe make a run to the grocery store but in truth, I'm waiting on a call back from a yoga studio. They made me an offer and I countered their offer with my own, what I think are fair, terms~~now it's a waiting game.

I SO want this.

Sure, it's a long drive, about 40 minutes to the beach, but great experience and exposure that I really want to have under my 'yoga strap'. But I'll be okay either way~~I sort of have to be. But I really want this.

More later cuz' I got nothin' but time...