Monday, March 10, 2008

The fog is lifting

Wow--being sick for two weeks really takes a toll on one's life! I've been a slug, just creeping along, barely making it through days--overall blah.

Not to mention that I had two weeks between my yoga trainings for Feb. and March--the Monday after the Feb. training I came down with a crud, just made it out of the crud to go tent camping on the weekend in 40 degree weather, to find myself sick again on Monday--this one had staying power. I just now feel back to normal.

Had a GREAT yoga training weekend--I know myself how far I've come during this training, with yoga and with myself. The teaching part feels so natural and second nature for me, perhaps because it's what I do all day with my children, I teach.

Today was our 75 minute teach and it was a class that we were able to design ourselves. I designed a class that looked a lot like my personal practice and created a centering to lead into the practice. The feedback I got was AMAZING--I was totally taken back. I had the yoga instructor in my class, no pressure right? I used my own centering to calm my nerves--my hands were shaking! But I, ultimately, found my groove.

When I closed my class and the facilitation began, my instructor began her feedback by saying that I am ready to teach! She said I could take the class I had just delivered and teach at a local studio that is a perfect fit for my 'brand' of yoga--she even offered to make the call to the studio owner! She said my yoga class and aura bred self-love and peace and acceptance, that I was nurturing and in touch with my students and that my voice is my gift.

Imagine. My voice! All along that has been the biggest challenge for me, perhaps all my life really, on some level--finding my voice, using my voice, relying on my voice. In yoga, it's been a challenge for me to speak the postures, to speak to the experience with authenticity but today, I just spoke from my heart and I spoke to what I find in yoga and, apparently, a connection was made.

I think I floated out of there.

It was also so interesting for me when she said that my yoga bred self-love. I shared with her that, 10 years ago, that's what brought me to the practice--desperately needing to love myself. To love myself deeply and to connect all facets of my being and for me, that's what my practice is EVERY TIME, a tribute to me, an honoring of me.

This has been a great day--who knew that when the fog lifted, I would have my head in the clouds!