Thursday, November 15, 2007

My day today, sinus infection and all

I dragged my ass out of bed this morning to make my little guy's PE class--8:00 is early for me and even earlier when my snot runs yellow and my head's in a fog. I suppose I could have spared the grossness there but I've become very comfortable with my snot over the last few days and, well, there I am.

The fog is lifting from this snot-fest but I'm still blah and needing rest. The kids and I had a good day in spite of how I felt. We ate a yummy lunch--harvest soup (yellow squash, potatoes, garlic and onions in chicken broth w/seasonings) it was yum. I took a power nap as they watched a video on South America--a power nap that left me with no power. Then we picked up a toddler I was babysitting from her daycare and made a coffee and grocery store run. It was fun trucking around with a toddler--I miss that coziness. The coziness of walking around the store w/a little bit tucked in the cart--it's like drifting in your own orbit, the two of you.

Came home and played on my wireless internet--yay! Did some odds and ends, made an okay dinner and piddled around.

Now I'm tired--think I'll turn in.
