Friday, November 23, 2007

Giving Thanks...

Today was a good day. Very nice, very fulfilling. The only thing I did not get to do was have some quality time w/my little bits because I was SO busy in the kitchen. I don't like that--it defeats the purpose.

I'm preparing, preparing, rushing, twirling around--for what? Presentation? Give me a freakin' break.

My grandmother came w/her husband, my mom was over, my brother and his daughter--later, his wife, his other daughter, her son and of course, my fam. Loved having all my fam here--most of them, but now I feel very unfulfilled. Like I missed out on something.

Truth is...I did.

The whole point for me, I missed the whole point.

So, for missing this earlier, I say this now:

I am thankful for my children and their health, their smiles, their hugs and our relationship.

I am thankful for my partner who loves me and takes care of me.

I am thankful for having the chance to be home w/my children, to teach them, to learn from them and to walk this road.

I am thankful for family, for my mom being right here in our city--for her love and support.

I am thankful for my health

I am thankful for everything else that I cannot call to mind right now...

Tomorrow, I will enjoy the day as I should have today. We will talk to each other, we will share what we are thankful for, we will eat yummy, healthy food because it nourishes our bodies NOT because a day has been designated for over-indulgence.

Tomorrow, the day after Thanksgiving, a day heralded for it's mass consumerism--classic over-indulgence--we will resist the urge, the temptation, to blindly consume beyond our limits and we will instead, focus on what we have and what it brings to us.

Today was a good day because I realized what I do not want to repeat. I am thankful for mindfulness.