Tuesday, July 31, 2007

STOP Trying to Save Africa

This is a fresh perspective on the state of Africa. I too have been guilty of finding cause for mobilizing over various crises in Africa from time to time. Never because I intended to assert my white superiority but because I get sick and tired of self-righteous, smug, white Americans wallowing like fat fucking pigs in wealth--growing greedier and more complacent, a disastrous mix.

You will think twice about the dialogue surrounding Africa after reading this poignant article written by Uzodinma Iweala:

The NPR interview with Iweala is here:

And he mentions two other native Africans in his article that have gone overlooked because we are so ready to commend and aggrandize the white celebs who are supposedly, single-handedly "saving" Africa:
Nwankwo Kanu and Dikembe Mutombo

I will be looking into these people and will follow up in a later post--in the meantime, educate yourself and thereby, elevate yourself.