Saturday, July 21, 2007

Savoring life...

Something I do not do enough of, I realized in the car today. My bits and I were talking about how the diagnosis of a terminal illness can often spur someone into really appreciating their life--how it can act as an impetus to finally LIVE.

Dear goddess, I don't want a diagnosis of terminal illness to be my spur! I waste SO much time--browsing the Internet, toying with my blog (not even really writing, but just changing the template, adjusting the font, adding links, etc.). Shamefully, I let days pass without learning a single thing. What kind of role model am I for my children--my homeschooling children?

I promise (myself) that tomorrow I will:

  1. Get the Folio--update myself on local, current affairs
  2. Write something meaningful on my blog
  3. Work on my thesis--in some capacity
  4. Have a philosophy round table with the bits
  5. Check their math homework
  6. Read Clara Caterpillar to "chill"
  7. Take a bike ride with the bits
  8. Bake muffins--let the bits help
  9. Allow myself "breathe" time--yoga perhaps?
  10. Check this list--goddess knows I'll falter

I have to do this for myself--I want a meaningful life, I want to have lived like my days were numbered and really, aren't they? Maybe I don't know the number, but I have limited time here--what will be my legacy?