Monday, June 04, 2007

Today was a good day

I have much to be thankful for. Today was a good day--my daughter spent the night away from home last night and I spent time with my little man, it was nice. As the baby, I do not always feel he got the same chances at alone time.

Picked my daughter up and I am thankful that she's always excited to see me--I love the smile she gets.

I am thankful for our home that is starting to look like our home and not a home that we bought from someone else--the space is slowly becoming ours.

I am thankful for birds and squirrels and the fact that they are so drawn to our front yard--we become mesmerized by them.

I am thankful for my children, my partner, my home--it's late and I am thankful that I have a bed to sleep in.

Good night.