Sunday, July 24, 2005

Perpetual Procrastination

Here I sit knowing good and damn well that I should be preparing the thesis proposal that I am to submit in less than a week to my faculty advisor. I am writing on motherhood and resources, certainly I have something to say on the subject yet I cannot coerce my mind into cooperating! Then I thought--I should journal more, I should really be leaving behind a trace that I existed. Elizabeth Cady Stanton left behind many memoirs that can be called upon in an effort to trace her ideas and feelings along the way. Besides, I rarely have the time to have an adult conversation so that I can keep my mental faculties up and fully charged. I thought this might help the process. Instead of journaling, I looked up blogging in my search engine and here I sit, creating Activist Mama at 11:32 on a Sunday evening. Well--I have every intention of completing this post and getting back to the thesis proposal but I could not very well create the blog and leave without a post. So...I post and tuck one of my little ones in bed between these words that I type and check my email and change the music playing and inform my partner that I have created a BLOG!! Ah, one more step into the revolution that I plan in my head every day of my life.